Sunday, November 20, 2011

Which Is the Best Chest Workout?

!9# Which Is the Best Chest Workout?

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The chest is one of the main muscle groups in our body. Is there such a thing as a best chest workout? That depends on the individual and on the goal he or she is aiming for.

Like every workout routine, a chest routine must be adapted to the person who wants to develop his pectoral muscles. Genetics is something that plays a very significant role in the human chest structure. There are people who are being born with a wide chest and they find it much easier to work on their chest muscles and develop them the way they desire.

On the other hand, someone with less genetic potential will have to work harder in order to achieve the same results.
Most of the chest workout routines focus on specific chest areas like the upper, the middle and the lower chest muscle.

So, the best chest workout must include exercises for all three chest parts. Another crucial factor to decide which one is the best chest workout for you is your goal at the time. If you feel that you are satisfied with the shape of your chest and you only want to add some volume then reduce the rep number and increase the weight. There are also specific exercises that will help you more towards that direction. Presses, like bench presses, dumbbell presses, etc. will help you add more mass to your chest. On the other hand, the so-called definition exercises like peck-deck, dumbbell flies, etc. are mainly focused on defining and giving your pectoral muscles an athletic shape. That doesn't mean of course that you should neglect the one or the other type of exercises.

A best chest workout should be performed, if possible, in a single muscle part workout. That means that, if for example, Monday is the day to work on your chest then on Monday work exclusively on your chest. That way your bloodstream will concentrate on your chest and will trigger the muscle growth which you are ultimately seeking for.

Here are 2 typical best chest workouts each one of them ideal for your goal:

Best chest workout for mass gain

1) Bench press 4 sets 10-8-6-4 reps with maximum weight.
2) Incline bench press 3 sets 8-6-4 reps with maximum weight.
3) Decline bench press 3 sets 8-6-4 reps with maximum weight.
4) Cross-Over 3 sets 8-6-4 reps with maximum weight.
5) Incline or flat dumbbell flies 3 sets 8-6-4 reps with maximum weight.

Best chest workout for muscle definition

1) Bench press 3 sets 12-10-8 reps 80% of your maximum weight.
2) Incline bench press 3 sets 12-10-8 reps 80% of your maximum weight.
3) Decline bench press 3 sets 8-6-4 reps 80% of your maximum weight.
4) Cross-Over 4 sets 12-10-8-6 reps 80% of your maximum weight.
5) Push ups with a weight belt 4 sets 20 reps at least.

Those chest workout routines involve all three chest muscle groups: Bench press for the middle chest, Incline bench press for the upper chest, decline bench press for the lower, flies and cross-over for the side chest muscles.

Furthermore, remember that a best chest workout is not enough. You must combine it with proper nutrition, a high quality protein and supplementation in order to achieve your goals.

Keep those muscles pumping!

Which Is the Best Chest Workout?

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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Full Body Heavy Workout Programs

!9# Full Body Heavy Workout Programs

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I am going to give you two different sets of full body heavy workout programs. The first is for use with barbells and dumbbells. The second is for use with kettle bells.

Workout program 1.

If you do this for just a half hour a day for days a week with two sets for each exercise with one to five repetitions lifting about 80% of your max you will get a great full body workout and notice your strength increasing quickly.

Day 1: Bench press, clean and jerk, dumbbell snatches, squats.
Day 2: Dead lift, bent over rows, chin ups, single armed barbell curls
Day 3: Lunges, military press, dumbbell swings, dips
Day 4: Straight legged dead lift, pull ups, renegade rows and single armed barbell curls.

Workout program 2.

This workout is designed to burn fat, increase your heart rate, endurance and stamina and strength. Men typically use a 35 lb. kettle bell and women use a 25 lb. It is designed to be a cycle. Do one exercise and then rest a few seconds before you do another. When you get to the end of the exercises start again. Do this as many times as you can.

Day 1: Two handed swings, one handed swings, one arm clean, Turkish get up, one arm military press, squats.
Day 2: One arm swings, Turkish get up, one arm clean and press, one legged dead lift, lunges, one arm snatch, squats, two arm swings.
Day 3: Squats, hand to hand swings, windmills, get up sit up, double clean and press, one arm snatch.

Full Body Heavy Workout Programs

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